
All-Russian Student Chess Tournament Ends in Elista

On 24-27 October, the third All-Russian team chess tournament Kalmyk Chess was held in Elista at the chess club of the Kalmyk State University. The competition was attended by 20 teams from various universities of Russia. They played rapid in seven rounds.

The results of All-Russian student chess tournament Kalmyk Chess, which was held at the Kalmyk State University, were summed up. The first president of Kalmykia, the sixth president of FIDE Kirsan Ilyumzhinov conveyed congratulations to the winners of the tournament, which is being held for the third time in his small homeland.


The first student chess tournament was held in 2017 and brought together students from seven federal districts. This year, about 80 representatives of 19 universities of our country arrived in the capital of Kalmykia to fight to win. The debutants of the tournament are the teams of Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Elets State University named after I.A. Bunin, Crimean Federal University named after V.V. Vernandsky and Russian National Research Medical University named after N.N. Pirogov.

The winners of the tournament were the students of Southern Federal University; the second place was taken by students of the Chelyabinsk State University, and the third place was taken by students of the Kuban State University.
In the overall team event, the third place was taken by students of the Kuban State University and second place was taken by chess players of the Chelyabinsk State University. Representatives of the Southern Federal University became the three-time winners of the third All-Russian student chess tournament “Kalmyk Chess”.
According to the results of the tournament, the winners were determined by the overall team standings.