And although officially there are no young pioneers today, everyone who wears a red scarf knows what the true friendship, courage and determination, respect for comrades and devotion to their country are.
And although this day is no longer a state holiday, I'm sure we all remember the day when we were accepted into the pioneers, we remember that amazing feeling when high school students for the first time wore a bright red silk triangle – a pioneer scarf.
I congratulate everyone who had a pioneering childhood! I wish to keep forever the unique pioneer enthusiasm and not lose the sense of community with all living on Earth. Let our children know about our pioneer past and be proud of us. And let our childhood desire for victory never leave us. Let our hearts remain warm and young.
I want to congratulate all those who were born in the USSR, who were once young pioneers and who still have a pioneer spirit. Wishing you a glorious spring holiday – Happy Young Pioneers Day!
Dear friends, many of us were children at a time when the red scarf was not only a token of pride, but also an honorary sign of being a pioneer.