Both well-known and unrevealed until now prophecies of the world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga will be revealed in the documentary film “Vanga as a Person and Phenomenon”, which will premiere in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture on 19 June.
Along with the predictions familiar to everyone who is interested in the Vanga phenomenon, audience will learn about the yet unknown prophecies: about the bloody tragedy in Syria, the first black president of the USA Barack Obama and about the horrendous fire in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.
The film also uses archival footage about the future of Russia, Bulgaria, America and Japan. Viewers will hear Vanga saying that the world will face the Third World War and learn what she said about the future of the world.
The new documentary will tell the audience how the Petrich prophetess led more than 5,500 people to the Orthodox faith. Vanga often told her relatives: “You are taught in school that there is no God, but this is a lie. There is God. And those who teach you that there is no God they think that they will live forever. They will die, like everyone else. And you will see it.”
The documentary story includes a number of interesting interviews with those who knew Vanga. Eyewitnesses will tell you that the soothsayer never was afraid of anyone, even the powerful of the world. She told everyone the truth only.
“Many of those who turned to Vanga - current presidents, governors, journalists from Russia - at that time were quite ordinary people. There was a time when they talked a lot about the collapse of Russia. It was normal to ask Vanga about this for they believed her unconditionally in Russia. Vanga used to say that Russia will be fine,” said Stoyan Petrov.
Hristo Nanev, a writer and researcher of unique phenomena, also shared the fact that people with extraordinary abilities, such as Vanga, have a different idea of time.
“We, ordinary people, still have a linear view of time: the past, the present and the future are located on one straight line. But for people with unique abilities, it is not. They have three-dimensional time. The past, the present and the future are as one,” he commented.
The documentary film “Vanga as a Person and Phenomenon” will premiere in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture on 19 June. Before the beginning of the film, the prophet’s favourite Macedonian songs will be performed by singer Ilya Lukov, who also communicated with Vanga.
Venelina Stoyanova