On 19 June, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov flew to Sofia (Bulgaria) to attend the premiere of his production project, the documentary “Vanga as a Person and Phenomenon”.
The film, created on the initiative and with the participation of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, reveals many previously unknown predictions and prophecies of the Bulgarian healer and soothsayer.
The Bulgarian media call Kirsan Nikolayevich the mastermind of the film “Vanga as a Person and Phenomenon”. And this is not surprising, because the Russian businessman, politician and chess player Kirsan Ilyumzhinov often met Vanga in Rupite in his time. The writer and director of the film is Stoyan Petrov.
The film also features archival footage of prophetess’ predictions about the future of Russia, Bulgaria, America, and Japan. Viewers will hear Vanga saying that the world will face the Third World War and many other things. The documentary story includes a number of interesting interviews with those who knew Vanga.