On 27 November, we received the schedule of Ilyumzhinov’s trips for the coming days from the secretariat of the first president of Kalmykia and sixth FIDE president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. We hasten to share news with readers: on 27 November, Kirsan Nikolaevich flew to Tehran.
It should be noted that the last time Ilyumzhinov visited Tehran on 24 April 2019. This time as in April, business and humanitarian projects will be discussed: import of meat from Russia and Mongolia to Iran, as well as export of products manufactured in Iran to Russia.
In a telephone conversation with our correspondent, Kirsan Nikolayevich said that he hopes, despite the tight schedule, to see his many Tehran friends.
Besides, Ilyumzhinov’s schedule is busy: on 29 November, he will fly to Sofia, and he will fly to Dubai on 30 November. We will keep you informed, dear readers. We are expecting arrival of Kirsan Nikolaevich to Moscow on 3 December.