Sixth FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov received a telegram from the Governor of the Oryol Region Andrey Klychkov. The telegram reads as follows:
“Dear Kirsan Nikolaevich! I am sincerely grateful to you for your high assessment of the organization and holding of the first Turgenev chess tournament in the homeland of the great writer. These competitions became a significant event in the sports and cultural life of the Oryol region. They attracted the attention of not only chess fans, but also admirers of the work of Ivan Turgenev and made it possible to better understand the depth of the classic’s personality, one of the brightest facets of whose talent was the highest chess skill for its time.
I am quite satisfied that your personal participation in the opening of the tournament gave it a special status and served to further popularize chess. I hope that the Turgenev chess tournament in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo will become traditional and, with your support, will become one of the most authoritative in our country.
I hope for the further continuation of our cooperation and sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, new successes in all your endeavours and undertakings.
Respectfully yours, Governor of the Oryol Region A. Klychkov "