
The Dalai Lama believes that Russia is the main bridge between East and West

The leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the 14th Dalai Lama, believes that due to its unique geographical location Russia is the main bridge between East and West, so it’s unwise to neglect its role in the world.

The Dalai Lama also believes that to build a happy world could only be possible through interaction between Russia and the West. In his opinion, without the Western technologies Russia will not be able to become a great country, and the Russia's resources are extremely needed by Europe.
The Dalai Lama pointed out that the Russians are a great nation with great potential. He believes that the country will be able to correctly distribute its capabilities and become a leader in the entire world order.

However, the world is now in a critical situation. Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in his opinion, is aware of the burden of responsibility on his shoulders and looks to the future, unlike some American presidents who scare the world with a “nuclear button”.

The Dalai Lama hopes the US understands what can happen should they press that button.