
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s birthday

April 5 is the birthday of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. Today, as on any other day, he works while on a business trip. Meetings, meetings, negotiations. Everything is as usual because Ilyumzhinov works 365 days a year.

Greetings arrive from all over our country, from many countries to his Moscow office and our website. Ilyumzhinov's friends, people who love and appreciate him, send telegrams and letters with best wishes. They come from well-known scientists, politicians, cultural workers, religious figures and journalists.

We, the editorial staff, are taking privilege to publish our best wishes before others:

Dear Kirsan Nikolaevich! Please accept our best wishes on your birthday! You are an extraordinary person with a sparkling gift to enlighten and lead people. You, being a professional and born diplomat, can purposefully and consistently solve problems of any scale.
Your authority is also based on the ability to understand people. That is why everyone loves and respects you. You are unfailingly welcoming, kind and responsive.
May good luck always accompany you on the path of life, may your nobly dreams and hopes come true, and all your plans will come true to the benefit of people.
The kirsan.today’s team