
Ilyumzhinov Congratulates Archbishop Zosima of Vladikavkaz and Alania on his 65th Birthday

Your Eminence!
Esteemed Lord!
With all my heart I wish you a long life, health and spiritual strength! It is not by some chance that your birthday coincides with the Holy Church's celebrations in the memory of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Your selflessness and ascetic devotion have promoted the values of Othodoxy.
For many years you performed a noble pastoral mission in Kalmykia. I am sure the people of the Republic, even today, remember you and your assiduous care for the diocese of Elista.

You have dedicated your life to the people's moral teaching, strengthening their hearts in the Orthodox faith, spirituality and chuch traditions. Your heartfelt words are always filled with deep connotation. They awaken mercy, compassion, the desire to care for one's neighbours and make man full of good deeds.
For the good of the Fatherland I sincerely wish you the Grace of God and for His guidence in your ministry!

President of the International Chess Federation (FIDE)
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
July 12, 2015