The singer also said that in his Instagram account there will be a live interview of FIDE President and called on subscribers to send their questions in comments to his post. Questions are already being received and it is obvious that subscribers are very interested in the upcoming interview.
Editorial note. Adyan Ubushaev aka BodonG is a popular singer and rapper, songwriter and music producer, director and screenwriter of the film "I am a Monk." will notify our readers as soon as the date of the live interview becomes known.
The famous Kalmyk singer Adyan Ubushaev speaks about his meeting with head of FIDE
On November 27, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov met with the famous Kalmyk composer and singer Adyan Ubushaev. Adyan wrote in his Instagram account: "At last I met him and talked with him. It’s very strange, but since then I became much more confident in myself. I am not sure how to explain it correctly. I did not expect us to meet. Accidentally I managed to get acquainted with him and from the first moments of our conversation I saw that he is a pleasant and easygoing person without theatrics. The energy and style of Kirsan Nikolaevich is extremely surprising..."