"Why? Well, imagine: in 1943, Kalmykia is headed by a President of FIDE that joins one hundred and fifty-five countries of the world. And I am Comrade Stalin. Beria and the others revolve around me, urging me to deport peoples of several republics, including Kalmyks. And I tell them: “Do you want chess fans of the world to blame me for what I did to Kalmyks? They would definitely know that I am carrying out genocide, and put me on a par with Hitler, whom we defeated. I will not deport them.
-And will you, Comrade Stalin, deport Chechens, Karachays and Meshketian Turks?
-Of course. Because no one will intercede for them. These peoples do not have such an international petitioner... A few months ago, I, David Kugultinov, saw Mr Zhirinovsky, who shouted: “We must expel the Kalmyks again”. We have to consider this trend. So let Kirsan rule in our Republic as a guarantee of the people’s security.”
“You, Muscovites, don't understand anything,” one of the Kalmyk ministers added, smiling. It was because of Ilyumzhinov that everyone in Russia found out where Kalmykia is. There is so much news about us – good or bad- all the time. It is important for a nation to be talked about. Therefore, Kirsan will stay here.”