
Nine facts about Kalmykia and the tenth one from Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

A few days ago, Kirsan Nikolaevich told us that a fellow countrywoman, a graduate of MGIMO, Gilyana Lysenko wrote on his Instagram’s page:

“Hello, Kirsan Nikolaevich! In February of this year, I made a presentation about Kalmykia at the Let’s Talk MGIMO conference. I thought that maybe you would be interested to see it.”
Of course, it’s interesting! Kirsan Nikolaevich even asked her to allow us put this video on the Kirsan TV page. So you, dear readers, can also see this video on the main page of our site.


“Gilyana is just an amazingly clever and beautiful girl,” Ilyumzhinov said. - And how perfectly she speaks English! Anything she says is captivating the audience. Pay attention to the reaction of the audience: they both laugh and listen with interest to all that Gilyana tells them.

We have a future for such youth! And in Kalmykia, most of the young people are like that! Our youth is the best in the world, our pride,” the first president of Kalmykia said. Perhaps this is the 10th fact about Kalmykia from Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.