The first Turgenev chess tournament was held in the estate of Ivan Turgenev Spassky-Lutovinovo on July 18. Sixth President of the International Chess Federation, first President of the Republic of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, honoured the competition with his presence.
The reason for tournament was the biography of our great writer: Turgenev was known as "the best chess player among writers and the best writer among chess players". He was elected vice-president of the Baden-Baden chess congress.
“On September 5, in the estate of Ivan Turgenev, the great writer and passionate hunter, the Hunter's Notes (Turgenev’s novel,-Ed.) festival will take place. This event has every chance of becoming another, after the Turgenev Chess Tournament, the hallmark of Spassky-Lutovinovo,” the Turgenev’s museum announced. The programme and details of the upcoming festival have not yet been disclosed.