
Championat.com: "Ilyumzhinov reconciled Topalov and Kramnik"

Ungentlemanly behaviour can be found even in such intellectual sport as chess, according to the publication of the website Championat.com.

Thus, Russian often went out to the toilet during the match for the World Crown between Vladimir Kramnik and Bulgarian Veselin Topalov held in Elista in the autumn of 2006. Kramnik explained that it was due to the fact that he needed a walk during the deliberation on the next move while the space in the playing hall was not sufficient.

The explanation did not satisfy the opponent and Topalov accounted his defeat to the foul play of Kramnik who could benefit from his visits to toilet by using the computer program. GMs avoided shaking hands when met at the chessboard in quite a while until they were forced to reconcile after the personal involvement of FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.