«I talked to the President of FIDE on the phone” - wrote Serenko in his ‘Live Journal blog called ‘Teething Guard’. According to the blogger, Ilyumzhinov told him: «The meeting in Lviv was very warm and positive. It is the clean, quiet city with beautiful girls and friendly people. I conversed with the mayor and the members of city council and the ordinary people as well. No one wants war. One woman, who referred to herself as ‘Moskal’ (‘the derogatory name for the Russians’- Ed.), approached me on the street (I sauntered everywhere quite freely, without any protection) and said: «Tell Putin that we do not want war.»
«Ilyumzhinov will support the idea of holding the Women's Chess Championship in Lviv. I would venture to suggest that a new policy of Russia towards Ukraine could begin from this event. Kirsan Nikolayevich offers to play the ‘party of peace’ with no losers. The next step would be the visit of the head of FIDE to Kiev and his meeting with the President of Ukraine Petr Poroshenko. Let's wait and hope for the peace to come «, summed up the political analyst from Volgograd.