Dear Mr. Serzh Azatovich!
I heartily congratulate you on the victory of the team of students of Yerevan school No. 55, named after Anton Chekhov, in the finale of the first International Tournament "White Rook" held in Dagomys (Russia).
This victory was won in the heavy and difficult fight amongst by 82 top teams from not only Russia and Armenia but also Belarus, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia.
This success once again confirms the right policy, chosen by you, on the inclusion of chess in the general education program and demonstrates another transparent achievement of the Armenian chess school and its wonderful trainers and teachers.
It gives a special satisfaction that the Armenian Chess Federation, under your wise leadership, dear Serzh Azatovich, is an example for all of the national chess organizations.
Please convey my sincere congratulations to the teachers and trainers of the school No.55, students and their parents. I wish them success in all endeavours, good health and sports victories.
Yours faithfully,
FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov