The highlight of the visit was the participation of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov in the opening of two international chess events: the Children's Championship and the Tournament of the Towns (the Capitals of the World).
Next, FIDE president spoke with reporters of Tasnim News Agency. In particular, replying the question of how he relates to the need to wear hijabs by chess players, Ilyumzhinov said: "There are 187 members in FIDE, each of them has the right to hold chess competitions. All these countries have their own laws and customs, under which the tournaments are held. FIDE adheres to the belief that these laws should be respected. Someone may not be happy that the Men’s World Championship will be held in the United States; perhaps, the opponents of the tournament for the Chess Crown have their own arguments. However, the FIDE is out of politics, chess is called to unite and not divide people. This is our basic principle".