"I, as the President of FIDE, support all the countries but China has already held a lot of chess events. However, Lviv could host the first-ever event of this level in Ukraine ", said Ilyumzhinov.
At the same time, he stressed that this is his personal opinion, because there are still relevant commissions and committees that make decisions. By the way, the FIDE president has promised to vote for Ukraine.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov cannot predict the time when the duel for the Crown between Muzichuk and Hou Yifan would take place. He said that everything depends on which country and city will host the match.
"Definitely, our Federation and the Chess Federation of Ukraine will do everything possible so that this match would take place in Lviv. We are ready to work and help to ensure that everything will be carried out at the appropriate level ", promised the President of Lviv Regional Chess Federation Taras Kernitsky.
In turn, the leaders of the city and the region also declared their full support for the match in Lviv, saying that they will do everything to make sure that the application is filed with the FIDE in time.