
Students of CNU and CSTU play collective chess

The collective chess tournament between the students of Cherkassy National University named after B. Khmelnitsky and Cherkassy State Technological University was held on November 28. About 70 students from leading universities of the city took part in intellectual competitions. The students of CNU won the tournament with black. The teams were located in their universities but the opponents watched each other in a live stream on YouTube. The game was held online using special program. Each player’s smartphone or laptop displayed a chess board.

Every team had 30 seconds to make a move. Within that time the players moved pieces, thereby casting a vote in favour of their version of the move. After that, the program summed up the results and chose the most popular variant of the move. This move was considered final.

At the end of the tournament, the program summed up a ranking table of players who made most correct moves in collective chess. The organizers awarded them with gifts from partners -- virtual reality attraction "VR ROOM", bowling club "Lucky Strike", ice rink "Meteor", cafe "Caffeine", "Garage" and "Mad Head Show".

Now the organizers collect feedback from participants and decide the best way of arranging such games in the future.