Incidentally, the meeting took place after the ceremony of awarding the President of FIDE the honorary certificate for contribution to the development and popularization of chess.
Speaking to members of the Committee, Ilyumzhinov familiarized them with the history and main achievements of FIDE, shared his experience of cooperation with parliaments of other countries, and also made a number of proposals that were eventually included in the resolution:
1) To investigate the possibility of development and adoption of the Law on chess for the subsequent introduction of chess education into Russian schools;
2) To hold a friendly match between the teams of the State Duma and the US Congress on 10 boards under the auspices of FIDE within the framework of the World Cup in New York in November this year;
3) To celebrate the International Day of chess within the walls of the State Duma on July 20.
Afterwards, the head of FIDE met with State Duma deputy Anatoly Karpov. The 12th world champion, in the presence of Vice-president of the Group of companies "FINVAL" Vladimir Smetana, spoke about his chess projects in Russia and abroad (including in prisons). In turn, Ilyumzhinov invited Karpov to take part in the parliamentary chess match.
In conclusion, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov warmly thanked the head of the primary trade union organization of the State Duma apparatus Ilya Ananiev for supporting the chess team of the Russian parliament.