Manizha Aminova, who sang in the ‘Voice. Children’ project in a duet with Lera Bazykina the song “Earth in the window ”, responded to the call of her friend and also took part in the Protect and Love flash mob. In her appeal to all the people of the planet, perhaps the most important words are said: "We must unite, regardless of borders, creeds and skin colour."
Today, when common misfortune stands on the threshold of every home, wherever it is - in Australia, Africa, Europe, Asia or America - words about the solidarity of all humankind are more relevant than ever. Children tell us that only together can we resist any evil. I would like for adults all over the world to hear the simple and true words of a girl from Russia!
This year, Lera Bazykina and Manizha Aminova took part in the “Voice of Children 7”project. However, the jury blocked their way to the finals. Many viewers, I know for sure, are perplexed about this decision, considering it as a clear misunderstanding. Of course, I am not a music professional, but I hope that history will put everything in its place. And, if again, as on the previous “Voice”, some unfortunate mistake occurred, I hope that everything will be resolved to the general pleasure of viewers and performers.
I am sure that these talented girls will still succeed. There will be new contests, there will certainly be bright victories, and we will see their names among the new bright stars of the 21st century.
Dear friends! The international Protect and Love flash mob continues. I urge all readers to join and send their videos with a hashtag #protectlove to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Together we will write a message to the people of planet Earth that we must love and protect nature and each other.
And who knows, maybe these words will affect the hearts of people on all continents. And then we all together will find a way to protect people from any disease, river and sea from pollution, air from harmful emissions, forests from deforestation and fields from depletion. And if the descendants ask us how we succeeded, we will answer: “Protect and love our beautiful Earth and each other, and you will succeed.
Editors’ note: The following people have already taken part in the flash mob: laureate of national and international competitions Dmitry Kucherenko; art critic, musician, writer, poet, enlightener and one of the most erudite people of our time Mikhail Semenovich Kazinik; mentalist, magician-illusionist Sergey Listopad; chairman of the public association “RazumLife”, director of the Institute of Applied Spiritual Technologies Marina Targakova; TV presenter of VGTRK "Russia 1" and "Russia24" Inna Lisovskaya; a student of the 7th grade of the Children's Music School of the Academic College at Moscow State University P. Tchaikovsky in the cello class; laureate of the International Festival-Competition "World of talent", the International Competition-Festival "CELLO-BASS" 2019, the Competition-Festival "Poetry of Strings", the International Competition "Paints of Music", the XV International classical music competition "Viva Music" 2020 Yakov Tagirov.