I remember that I was able to ask: "Why don't you announce your presence to people?" I suggested that they send a message for earthlings. But they refused. They made it clear to me that humanity is not yet ready for communication. “All you have achieved in tens of thousands of years is that you have learned to fry your fellow tribesmen before you eat them. You used to eat them raw before. Such is your progress. This is not enough for communicating with advanced civilizations. You're not trying to talk to ants, are you? "
There are many testimonies of similar encounters and other people whose stories coincide one to one with mine. All the same, the majority thinks, "This could not be, since science does not recognize the presence of aliens." Albert Einstein once said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” As you know, the great scientist, believing in miracles, made many great discoveries.
Indeed, from the point of view of scientists, there is no evidence of the existence of not only highly developed intelligent, but at least some kind of life on other planets. Any sceptic will first refer to SETI - the project to search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Since the sixties of last century, its participants have been trying to find at least some signs of other civilizations in the Universe, but all that came across to them was a single "WOW signal".
It was the lack of evidence of the existence of aliens that allowed the famous physicist Enrico Fermi to formulate the paradox named after him. At the dawn of the space age of humanity, Fermi found himself at the same table with three of his colleagues in the cafeteria of a Los Alamos laboratory.
Inspired by such meeting, colleagues began to ardently discuss how many civilizations might be found nearby. And then the sceptical Fermi asked: “Well, where are they all?” Meaning that highly developed civilizations, even if they did not visit the Earth, would in any case be noticeable in space.
So where are they all? There are many objections to the questions of sceptics. For example, why did we are so sure that alien civilizations would use the same technologies based on the same physical principles that we use? Any scientist (if he is devoted to science) recognizes that the entire amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity is just a drop in the ocean of nature.
Let me remind you that I communicated with the crew of the alien ship using telepathy, without making any effort, although I never considered myself a psychic. Moreover, their "saucer", with its overall external dimensions not exceeding the usual minibus, contained a room the size of a football field. Moreover, we flew for quite a long time, although a little more than a day has passed on Earth. How is this possible?
So is it impossible? Thousand years ago - an insignificant time by historical standards - we were generally convinced that the stars are just lamps, fixed on the crystal heavenly sphere over the Earth. In a word, "There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our wise men never dreamed of."
However, to believe or not to believe in aliens is everyone's personal business. Worse, in my opinion, is that behind these disputes a much more important issue is lost.
For many years, I was haunted by the fact that the visitors neither told me anything, nor asked me about anything. We just flew back and forth, and that's it. What for? What did they want to tell me?
Recently I have come to a sad conclusion: the problem is not with them, but with us. Indeed, over the past millennia (a short moment by historical standards, but quite a long period for civilization) we have reached impressive technological heights, but have we gone so far from being the cave dwellers? Ants and termites have mastered impressive architecture but we are not eager to communicate with them, do we?
A simple question: what news gets the public’s most attention? Crime, wars, economics and top fashion brands. In a nutshell: violence and consumption. Is this a sign of a highly developed society?
More specifically, why do we need to establish contact with other highly developed civilizations? We are not talking about spending energy on improving the universe, only on personal, at best, public welfare. Readers will neither understand nor accept any other idea. Only consumption matters. Possibly, also a superweapon to preferably totally destroy those who against us. Well, what to talk about with us as we are?
I am not the first one who came or who was led to this conclusion. Long before Gagarin's flight, the grandfather of cosmonautics, a simple teacher from the Russian province and the great dreamer Konstantin Tsiolkovsky thought the same. In one of his books, he wrote that contact with another, especially a highly developed civilization is possible only when the average level of humanity reaches a certain point. It is unlikely that he was referring to the number of smartphones per capita.
However, it is possible that people would never reach this point. Among the hypotheses put forward by scientists to explain the Fermi paradox is one rather creepy assumption that a civilization that has reached a certain level of technological development quickly finds a way to destroy itself.
Analysing our life, it is very difficult to argue with this hypothesis of self-destruction. At least humanity is not trying very hard to avoid such an outcome. In any case, I'm sure we are not alone. And they are watching us, waiting until we are ready to communicate on an equal footing with representatives of other worlds. In my opinion, we should be ashamed by the fact that we have not gone so far from being cave dwellers.
Therefore, we should not ask, "Where are THEY?" It is better to ask yourself, “who are We to qualify for communication?”