A break is always required to see new roads, to find a way out of the hopeless situation. Life itself gives us such moments when we must slow down and stop running. In such cases, you need to take a break, after which everything will change, and, first of all, we ourselves. Life will become more interesting.
We need to get used to the idea that the other person does not have to be like us at all. Everyone has their own outlook on life, their own point of view. And all this may be significantly different from what we would like to see. Every person including ourselves is the whole universe. We must respect someone else's love, someone else's life, someone else's choice. All people are real. Every one of them.
To become happy, it is not necessary to rush somewhere, overtake someone and win something from others. It’s enough to be yourself. And it would be nice to learn to understand those who we meet. And here's another important thing to remember: all bad things must come to an end. Often during our lifetime.
You just need to let joy into your heart. It’s a pity that we don’t write everywhere that “the world belongs to those who are happy with it!”