
Revenge is a grave for two

They asked me recently about my attitude to revenge. Personally, I believe that it is difficult to imagine a more useless, stupid and dangerous thing than to avenge someone. The common adage says that revenge is a dish best served cold. However, it is the same nonsense as to say that the poison must be prepared in a special way to make it taste like honey.

Revenge, they say in Buddhism, is generated by three feelings that are destructive for the soul: hate, anger and repulsion. The man, who is obsessed with revenge, does not notice the beauty of the world because he only focuses on one negative thought and his mind is confused. And, according to the teachings of the Buddha, whoever denies enhancement will have to make twice the effort to return to the previous grade on his next birth. It is called Karma. It’s clear that none of the Buddhists would want such a fate.

Moreover, revenge is unacceptable in other major world religions. The Christian Paul the Apostle in his Letter to the Romans wrote: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’, says the Lord." The sacred book of Muslims - the Koran – requests to refrain from revenge as well: "But whoever gives [up his right as] charity, it is expiation for him".
Note that neither Christianity nor Islam considers revenge as deadly sin such as wrath or pride. But is not the desire for revenge born out of the one of these?
"Here, someone offended me, and my pride demands vengeance," says the avenger increasingly incensed by anger against the abuser. And where does he eventually end up according to any faith? However, the choice is up to man.
Note that all this does not mean the renunciation of retribution for misdeeds, and even more so, for the crimes. However, when revealing to Moses the Commandment "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth", the God of the Old Testament did not refer to the personal revenge. Rather, it was a community criminal code at the time. Not for nothing the God's Commandments are followed by the clear instruction: "There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger."

This implies the right to an objective and impartial trial and just punishment. And it has nothing to do with revenge: as Aristotle noted, "Punishment is inflicted for the sake of the person punished; revenge for that of the punisher, to satisfy his feelings."
What is seeking the one, who revenge himself? Just to relieve his anger and, as it seems to him, to restore the trampled pride. Does he achieve it? Not necessarily: revenge always seems insufficient.
As a result, the feeling of revenge remains unsatisfied and gradually makes a person irritable and bilious, destroying both body and soul. And those who are revenged– would they be able to realize that what had happened to them was revenge for theharm caused by their misdeeds and draw proper conclusions and change the way of behaving? I think I have already asked too many questions.
Thus, you will never achieve anything by revenge, except possible damage to yourself. Moreover, this is especially true for those who, like me, have to work with a large number of people. In such cases possible misunderstandings, conflicts and even open hostility are inevitable.
I know that my activities do not suit some people to such a degree that they are willing to take the most unseemly steps just to annoy me anyhow. According to the logic of the avengers, I should have used all my influence to exclude these people from the chess world.
But what would have I achieved by doing that, given that many of them are, without exaggeration, chess geniuses and examples for beginners? I would have only impoverished the chess world, undermined the credibility of FIDE and worsened my position as the President.
As you can see, revenge is not in my best interest. The same applies to the sanctions imposed against me. I still think about this conflict as the result of some misunderstanding. Yes, when the sanctions were announced, some of the FIDE leadership proposed to transfer the World Championship, which will be held this year, from New York to Europe or Asia.
However, what would we achieve by doing that? We would deprive the game fans of the United States of the brightest chess holiday; we would miss the chance to raise the profile of the game in the Americas. Therefore, I proposed to do the opposite: not to cancel the Championship but, on the contrary, increase the number of major chess events and declare the Year of Chess in the United States. People in general are attracted by everything that is scandalous and forbidden. This way, the sanctions against me may serve as advertising of FIDE in America as well.
My lawsuit with the US Treasury has nothing to do with vengeance too. I would like my lawsuit to serve as an example for the Americans so that they would be able to understand that, in recent years, the reputation of their country became dependent on the degree of decency and reasonableness of individual officials. And to make them think about how right and fair it is.
As far as $ 50 billion are concerned, which I intend to collect from the US authorities, they all to the last cent will be spent in the very same United States on the promotion of chess and the development of democratic processes with the aim to eliminate the impact of lazy and dishonest bureaucrats on the reputation of the country.
The Chinese say: "Before you embark on a journey to revenge, dig two graves." Remember it when you consider revenging anyone, even the smallest one. Would it not be better to forget about revenge and think about how to make the best of the situation for your own and the common benefit? If desired, it is quite possible.