
Bronze collapse










At the end of July, Crimean chess players invited me to Evpatoria, where a grandiose celebration of Chess Day is traditionally held. Much happened in this city; I had many meetings with guests and hosts of the celebration. Of course, in conversing with Crimeans, I could not but pay tribute to the beauty and richness of the peninsula’s nature and the impressive power of the Black Sea. 

“Oh, but that’s nothing!” the welcoming hosts of the holiday answered.  “You should come to us in velvet season, when it is absolutely beautiful!” After which, they began to paint the delights of the autumn in Crimea. The weather is just right, neither hot nor cold, there are few tourists, but heaps of fruits and berries. “True, it’s not much fun in winter here,” added the most honest of my interlocutors.
They canvassed me in vain: in my travels around the world, I happened to be in different resorts in diverse climates. I saw Crimea and Greece, Tunisia and Nice. Yes, I have been there for a short time and I did not have time to rest but still I did not close my eyes. Indeed, the very same place that seemed like a true paradise on earth in velvet season looks rather dull at other times.
And velvet season as such, if you think about it, is nothing more than a farewell greeting to resort life. This is good for tourists: they come and go back home having enjoyed great rest and saved a lot of money (when compared with high prices in summer). But the locals know very well that there is a long, chilly winter ahead. They know that nothing will grow and blossom in the winter and that all the abundance of ripe fruits must be urgently sold to late tourists, otherwise they will just rot tomorrow.
Yet this relatively short period - a couple of weeks, a month? - is so attractive that some of our neighbours on Earth go to any tricks to delay it forever. Of course, this treat is not for everyone: it would be easier to relocate all of Russians to Crimea resorts than to arrange an earthly paradise for all humanity. But for a select few, it may seem possible. Remember how popular the idea of ​​the "golden billion" was until recently.

 But promoters of the "golden billion" have forgotten that orbiting of the Earth around our star cannot be stopped. The abundance of fruits and berries available in velvet season could be only possible if someone sweat over them in the spring and summer, cultivating and collecting them.

You can create a year-round velvet season for yourself if you convince others of your own exclusivity. It works for a while. Unfortunately, not for long. There are more and more applicants for heavenly life and fewer and fewer people ready to shed sweat. What this leads to, you can see just by looking around.

Not a very attractive picture, is it? But protests and pogroms happening in the world are just symptoms. The economy skewed in favour of the "golden billion" is crumbling before our eyes. The ideology imposed on the world has not only reached a dead end but it is leading humanity to the abyss.
Any common sense idea can be brought to the point of absurdity, like suggesting that chess is racist because the player who plays with white pieces always makes the first move. This summer, an Australian ABC Local Radio tried to promote this idea. It may seem so absurd that one couldn’t help but laugh. But such approach does not work if we consider other similar postulates put forward by the ideologists of the "golden billion". They continue to impose their beliefs on the world, thereby obscuring genuine issues and values.
By the way, older generation of the former Soviet Union’s residents know well this approach. The more decrepit socialism and its permanent leaders became, the louder the propaganda developed, more and more at odds with reality each day. TV and radio reported about milk yields and harvests, but shops greeted citizens with deposits of hardly edible canned food. The posters called for equality and democracy, but everyone knew very well about special distributors and privileges.
The leaders of the "golden billion" did not draw any conclusions from the mistakes of the USSR party leaders. They also tried to arrange an eternal velvet season for themselves and their loved ones, hiding behind the right words and good ideas, but in the end, they destroyed both their country and the allied states.
But this catastrophe would seem like a small incident in the event of an uncontrolled collapse of the countries of the "golden billion". Historians know the term the ‘Bronze Age collapse’. It refers to transition from the Bronze Age to Iron Age, when, for not very clear reasons, entire civilizations just disappeared in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. They existed for a thousand years, had a developed economy and writing. We may say that they lived in an eternal velvet season, without overwork and almost without knowing sorrows. But not a trace of them remained except for archaeological artefacts.
I would very much like to hope that it would not come to this (although everything is possible with nuclear weapons). But the countries of the “golden billion” have clearly outlived their velvet season. Ahead is chilly autumn and cold winter. And there will be more than enough adversity and troubles for everyone.
But is it fair that everyone will have to pay for the prolonged velvet season of the “golden billion”? I am sure that if politicians and leaders of states knew how to think and calculate their actions at least a few moves ahead, we would not find ourselves in such a situation.
Now we have only two options: either to leave everything as it is and hope that new Dark Age will not come, or to unite and work out new rules of life on this planet. Life without nuclear weapons (and ideally without other powerful weapons of mass destruction). Life without imposing ideals and rules of the game on neighbours. Recognizing the most important right - the right to life for every person, every living being and our entire planet and acting in accordance with this right.
Only then will the velvet season come once a year and although not for long time but to everyone.