- Kirsan Nikolaevich, what does success mean for you?
- Self-realization.
- In addition to one millions of dollars that you have earned in one and a half months for 27 years, did you have any other material goals?
- I had none.
- What books about other countries have expanded your horizons?
-‘Sakura’ and ‘Roots of Oak’ by Vsevolod Ovchinnikov. These two books made me see the world in a different perspective.
- Do you still have your younger days habits? What do you do every day?
- I have a little free time left, so if I have some, I sleep. I sleep very little - just a few hours a day, if I get some time to sleep at all.
- What can you tell us about your spiritual practices?
- I have been practicing meditation. I meditated today.
- Is meditation same thing as dream?
- No, it's not. One just visualizes the void.
- What habits did you have to give up?
-Smoking and laziness. I am by nature a very lazy person, and I had to overcome it.
- How many people, in your opinion, would be able change the world?
- 5 per cent, maximum 10 percent, if we talk about the future of an advanced society. Nothing could be done if there would be less than that. I mean 5-10 percent of leaders, who showed their leadership qualities in classrooms or university. But if there are too many of them, we would face anarchy.
- What three main qualities must have people who want to change the world?
- Honesty, efficiency and transparency. When you want to do something, you have to convince everybody of its necessity. And to achieve that you should not have secrets from colleagues and partners. That’s how you form a team. You'll never do anything alone.
- Is there some kind of optimum number of people on a team?
- No, it is impossible to tell.
- What is the basic rule in relations between men and women in your opinion?
- I am not a guru of any kind, but probably they would have to trust each other.
- How do you see the development of Buddhism in Russia?
- I was at the forefront. A revival of Buddhism was in the 90's. Nothing like that happened before. I sent groups of 10 sometimes 100 students to the Dalai Lama for study. Sometimes they went to Mongolia, India and China. There were many teachings at the time, and it was the traditional Buddhism that the Dalai Lama helped us a lot with. I sent people to him, and he sent teachers to us. Now, of course, things are much better. We have new schools and teachers come to us.