- I don’t think so although I travel a lot around the world and visit different countries. Are people afraid of each other? Not at all. Why would they do that? People are mostly very open. Open to everything new, to new ideas and new people. But, of course, there is much that they afraid of. I want to write about this very extensive and interesting topic. But I assure you, the point is not that people do not trust each other or are afraid. We live in a difficult time when the so-called challenges and threats to humanity determine the agenda.
The outstanding culturologist, sociologist and philosopher Arnold Joseph Toynbee linked the idea of the emergence and development of civilizations with the answer to the global challenges - harsh climate, frequent earthquakes or floods, wars, cultural expansion, etc. , Today, the environmental crisis and international terrorism should be included in this series.
- And what to do about it? This idea poisons already difficult and not very long life of a man.
- It should be noted that in the most advanced countries of the world, scientists, philosophers and public figures are actively engaged in the search for the correct answers to these threats. I am sure that all countries of the world will fully experience real problems if Russia remains aloof from this global concern.
The modern world is characterized by a high level of globalization, mobility of people and capital, opportunities for cooperation in the widest range of areas. And at the same time, new, artificially created problems appear in it.
Take, for example, economic sanctions, which the West initially viewed as an instrument of political pressure, capable of forcing Russia to change its domestic and foreign policies. And what turned out to be completely unexpected for the authors of the project, whose goal was the economic strangulation of Russia. Today, our country is the world's largest exporter of agricultural products and food, and confidently holds the first place in some items of goods.
Russia has always been energy independent of the West, but we must admit that the Russian economy and our ability to solve internal social problems in all former times depended heavily on the export of energy resources abroad, primarily gas and oil. The colossal efforts of the West were directed to significantly limit our export of hydrocarbons. Russia also found answers to this challenge, consistently and steadily pursuing a policy of rapprochement and improving relations with countries at the bilateral level.
- It turns out that today it is necessary to unite in order to survive. And for some politicians, the idea of establishing dominance is more important, and they are trying to create a unipolar world...
- You know, words about a unipolar world are just words. Now every student knows that this is a bad and unviable idea. Politicians understand this well. Another problem is that, despite the seemingly obvious global challenges, some analysts consider the concept of “global challenge” to be far-fetched. They believe that it does not exist at all, but only manipulate public consciousness to justify some global projects. I think such an explanation of the existing huge problem seems erroneous and even dangerous.
I want to remind you that global challenges concern everyone. Thus, any global challenge poses a personal threat to any man. International terrorism is global in nature. What are the benefits to terrorists from explosions, for example, of shopping centres in New York or the Boston Marathon bombings? What are the benefits of subway bombings around the world, from taking hostages of schoolchildren or patients of a small district hospital? The most ordinary people suffer.
But the terrorists have a completely different “interest”, different goals. First, this is a disorganization of public administration, causing economic and political damage, violation of the foundations of the social system, which should encourage the government to change policies. That is why international terrorism enters the leading positions in the list of global challenges, if not the very first place, which is why it has become a global challenge to all of humanity today.
(To be continued)