The era of human consciousness begins. This means that everyone is here and now and does not need an intermediary between him and his higher self.
- Is it a philosophy or religion?
- I would like to believe that this is a new reality, a creative world in which everyone can reveal their potential, find a profession that will help to develop harmoniously.
Energytism is a new direction in art, which is the original creative energy conducted by a professional artist to create an information visual object that affects the disclosure of consciousness. Energy is driven by the internal nature of real processes taking place with the artist as a representative of modern society in the contemporary spatio-temporal context of the global and local structure. Energytism allows the artist to operate on the nature of energy flows, to consciously and in a timely manner direct them into an art form to create a product with creative power that can influence the disclosure of the creative potential of a person. The principles of Energytism are known to science, philosophy, and, especially, history. Physics of torsion fields, noosphere, Mahatma ...
- Alexey, it turns out that Energytism has been known for a long time, but still it does not work
-The vibrations were inappropriate. We live in a time of change. Energytism provides an opportunity for a person to adapt to the changing energy vibrations of planet Earth and creates the next stage in the development of civilization based on consciousness and the Unity of the World.
-It may be so, considering your paintings, especially large ones.
- This one is called “King’s Chamber”; it’s four by four meters.
- From the Cheops Pyramid?
-Yes, in a way. It is about the combination of worlds. Everyone will see the God of the Earth, the principles of the universe and 12 gods of the last era....
- Have you visited the King’s Chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops?
- Yes, I even performed an action there and frightened one noisy Italian family, which was nearby when I opened my eyes, lying in the sarcophagus.
-I know that you are a believer and participated in decorating of temples. How do you feel about it? Does it bring some discomfort?
- Never. Energytism unites people and helps everyone to open up. After all, magicians fist greeted the Saviour!
While working in temples, I followed all the rules prescribed by the church. I with a team of helpers decorated the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin near Maloyaroslavets in 3 months. When the Metropolitan of Kaluga visited us at the beginning of our work, he did not believe that we would be able to finish it in time. And when Patriarch Alexy II found out that we had done it, he said that it was a miracle.
- Was it?
- Of course! There were five of us at the end of the work and there was a very creative atmosphere. I came up with an unexpected, but high-quality and fast painting technology.
- And in what other churches did you work?
- In the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, along with other artists. I also decorated the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at the Moscow City Court. Everyone says that there is a feeling that you are inside the icon.
- Tell me about your other works.
- I paint portraits, I am engaged in monumental painting and I design interiors. Madonna’s apartments my wife and I have decorated...
- What events influenced your worldview?
- Everything that happened in my life. Nothing accidental. For example, a meeting with my wife (a sculptor Natalia Opiok) launched my life in a completely new direction. In 1993, Mother Teresa visited our exhibition with Natasha...
- Have you managed to make her portrait?
- No, I did not have time.
- You wrote that life of the people whose portraits you painted has changed after that.
-And mine too, this is an exchange of energies. Each of us stands out from our “nesting dolls”. Some are family people, some are city, country, planet or universe people. At the same time, we are used to looking for a soul in a person. But I believe that once a person is inside his soul, then he is a strong-willed person and he has a chance to change his life as per his wishes.
Many people do not live, but play their roles in profession, love, friendship, and as a result remain without the main thing in their life - without themselves. “When drawing a tree, draw what is between the branches,” said Mikhail Vrubel. There are no trifles in life.